Download specific python version

Show 6 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. I tried this and afterwards couldn't open a terminal, software updater, Improve this answer. Liam Baker 2 2 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. Nephente Nephente 4, 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 22 22 bronze badges. Could you point me, how can I use 3. If anyone knows better please comment — ndemou.

Also to set python3. Tips: if add-apt-repository: command not found , run apt-get install software-properties-common python-software-properties to install — Mithril. Show 8 more comments.

Tshilidzi Mudau 4, 3 3 gold badges 22 22 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. OP said he didn't want to compile from source — Michael Bates. Yes you are right. Also compiling from source might introduce some dependency issues further down the road. But that is how I resolved it. If there is a better way I would definitely want to know. CharlieParker because Python isn't made for a specific OS. It's meant to be run at any platform. For Linux this means that it either each version has to be compiled and distributed for each version of each Linux distro of which there are many , or they distribute the source and let the user compile it themselves in the environment in which it will be used.

The latter is far more feasible. Show 4 more comments. Just follow this steps tested : Step 1 — Install Required Packages Use the following command to install prerequisites for Python before installing it.

Step 4 — Check the Python Version Check the latest version installed of python using below command. Once it is done, move on to the next one by running the command below.

It is a long and complicated command so simply copy-paste it into your Terminal to avoid any typing errors. Having done that, we move on to downloading Python and installing it. For the sake of showing you how to install a specific version, we will be downgrading our Python from 3. First, we change the current directory to the Downloads folder where we wish to download the package.

This can be done by running the command below. Click here to access the location from where you can select any version of Python of your liking. All that needs to be amended in the wget command is the link. Having successfully downloaded a specific version of Python, the final steps are simple and easy. All Python releases are Open Source.

Historically, most, but not all, Python releases have also been GPL-compatible. Read more. For most Unix systems, you must download and compile the source code. The same source code archive can also be used to build the Windows and Mac versions, and is the starting point for ports to all other platforms. Download the latest Python 3 and Python 2 source. This site hosts the "traditional" implementation of Python nicknamed CPython.

A number of alternative implementations are available as well. After that, you will get two steps to installing specific versions of Python packages with pip. In this section, you will also learn how to work with a virtual environment. In the next section, we will look at how to specify the version of multiple Python packages by creating a. Now, there may be several reasons that you may want to install a specific version of a Python package.

For example, you may need to install an older version of a package if the package has changed in a way that is not compatible with the version of Python you have installed, with other packages that you have installed, or with your Python code. As previously mentioned, we are going to work with the package manager pip, but it is also possible to install a specific version of a package if you use other package managers.

For example, it is also possible if you use the package manager conda Anaconda Python distribution. Here are some instructions on how to use pip to install a specific e. If you get the warning, as in the image above, you can upgrade pip to the latest version : pip --install upgrade pip.

Of course, you will have to open up e. Windows Command Prompt or your favorite terminal emulator in Linux. Note, it is also possible to use conda to install a certain version of a package. This will open a prompt window that allows you to define a new interpreter: Assuming you are using Code Inspections, you might need to tell PyCharm which python version to inspect for.

Install packages Currently, your virtualenv contains only the crucial packages, pip and setuptools. Deactivate your virtualenv by entering deactivate.

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