Final fantasy xv version upodate 2990407 download

Chapter 12 - End of Days. Chapter 13 - Redemption. Chapter 14 - Homecoming. Chapter 15 - Epilogue. With the June 1. For compatibility sake I made these saves on the 1. You can actually restore offline Avatara on Version 1. Leaving it on will override locally copied saves with cloud saves. Just a quick summarized overview of FFXV game versions. Taken from World of Ignis. Termination and removal of the Avatara System utilized to replace Noctis' appearance.

Version 1. Addition of three pieces of music from Episode Ardyn to the music player tracklist. Addition of seven trophies for Episode Ardyn. Comrades Standalone 1. Implementation of a new Bonus Quest and additional prizes.

Bonus Quest: An Inspector Caws. Various bug fixes. Implementation of the Terra Wars event quest. Implementation of the Terra Wars reward, single-handed sword "Sarah's Shortsword. Six songs have been included Version August 9th Alter Noctis' physical appearance to a Comrades-like character by speaking to Avatara behind Takka's Pit Stop among other locations. If you alter Noctis' appearance, the avatars of other players are displayed on the field as a "phantom.

Correction of an issue that prevented avatars from displaying properly in Comrades when editing the sliders if the eye spacing slider was not at default. Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum sets forth from his homeland with his three-man retinue in tow. His destination: Altissia, capital of Accordo, where he will formalize the union of states through his marriage to Lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae. LINK [drive. In a single night, the promise of peace has been broken, the Crown City along with it.

Putting their home behind them, the four friends set forth to find answers in Hammerhead. The empire is a powerful foe, and Noctis has far to travel before he can hope to reclaim the Crystal. He sets out across new lands in search of the power of his forebears.

As the land is rocked by tremors, Noctis is wracked with headaches. The self-styled 'Man of No Consequence' advises the would-be King to go and heed the Archaean's call. Though loath to believe a suspicious stranger, the four friends nevertheless find themselves with no recourse but to follow Ardyn to the Disc of Cauthess, where Titan is said to slumber. As Cauthess crumbles, the imperial chancellor swoops in to usher the four friends to safety, but their reprieve is only temporary, as Duscae's skies tell of trouble on the horizon.

With the Regalia missing and the roads closed, they find themselves stranded. Beneath the Cape Caem Light in the south of Cleigne lies an underground harbor. It has long served the Lucian royalty, and even now, a vessel once owned by King Regis lies at anchor there.

Following in his father's footsteps, Noctis heads for the ship. To repair King Regis's old ship, Noctis and company require that rarest of ores—mythril. With only a vague clue to guide them, they head for empire-held ruins situated in the north of Cleigne.

With the help of Imperial Commodore Aranea Highwind, the makeshift miners hit pay dirt—only to learn raw ore won't suffice. Cindy refers them to Holly, an engineer in Lestallum who knows how to treat Mythril. Noctis receives a warm send-off as he sets sail for Altissia in high spirits.

The prince goes forth ostensibly to seek the blessings of the Hydraean, which will enable him to challenge the empire's might, but his true heart's desire is to find Lunafreya, his betrothed. Across the water and onto the rails, the royal retinue makes for Gralea, the imperial capital. Their objective; reclaiming the Crystal, that they might reclaim their homeland. However, the ring's weight proves too much for Noctis to bear.

Ignis's resolve forces a reconciliation between Noctis and Gladiolus and restores harmony to the group. Additionally, two new fish were added to the archive , and the second run of the Moogle Chocobo Carnival event was concluded. Adding of the new fish was a mistake however, and they could not be caught. On November 6, , patches 1. The two fish that were mistakenly added in patch 1. Enhanced 4K visuals were also added for Xbox One X users. On December 11, , patches 1. It implements character switching, allowing players to take control of party members other than Noctis.

Additionally, it includes compatibility for the Episode Ignis DLC and adds tracks from it and Comrades to the main game's music player. The online leaderboards for Timed Quests were also concluded with this patch. On February 1, , patch 1.

The patch also adds new drills for the Tutorial, new items to Alessio's trading post in Altissia , and an "Arts" category for Gladiolus , Ignis and Prompto applies to character swap. Noctis's manual dodge now has fewer invincible frames. The other party members' manual dodge was untouched. Chocobo rental's final day now turns the remaining days value red. Ignis's Quick Recipeh now freezes everything around him while he cooks, similar to how action stops in Wait Mode.

Ifrit's model was updated in both the battle and the bestiary, and Shiva now speaks in English after her story-related summoning in Chapter 14, rather than in the Astral language. She wishes Ifrit to rest in peace and tells Noctis the grace of the Astrals will always be with him. Noctis replies he intends to fulfill the promise he had made to Shiva, in reference to the previously added scene in Chapter In Chapter 12 , new story scenes are added which expand on the lore surrounding the Astrals and the War of the Astrals.

Killing enemies with Armiger Chain used to yield xp per kill, but this has been raised to xp per kill. Doing the strategy prompts the player's party members assign to Noctis now awards 20 AP, as opposed to the 1 or 2 AP doing them used to yield before.

Lots of new incidental dialogue was added, even some for an older Noctis when driving the Regalia. These pieces of dialogue could only be triggered via a glitch that let one play as the older cast in the earlier chapters. Patches 1. They include compatibility for the Royal Pack, and add several new sidequests in Chapter 10 and character dossiers accessible from the Archives.

The winning snapshots from the fourth photo contests were also announced. All one-handed swords now appear in point-warp animations previously it was only Broadsword, Engine Blade, and Blazefire Saber. Multiple gameplay features, such as chocobo breeding and new Royal Sigils, were also added for Comrades , as well as new trophies or achievements. A new scene is added at the start of Chapter 5 where Noctis and the party discuss their next action as Ardyn transports them outside the Disc of Cauthess.

It adds a new attire for completing Episode Ignis Unkempt Crownsguard and two new cookbooks purchasable at Altissia , which contain the Kupoberry Cheesecake and Golden Chocobo Tart recipes previously available from the Moogle Chocobo Carnival.

It implements the ability to change title screen background after completing Episode Ignis and adjusts loading screens. Comrades got Thanatos' Bow to the base shop in Lestallum, appearing when the player receives the Piercing Bow.

Regis's eyebrows were added to a shop at Cape Caem, as well as a steam cleaner to remove dirt from the avatar. It corrected an issue in Comrades that prevented Avatars from displaying properly, and fixed a bug triggered when editing certain slider settings, such as eye spacing, in the default. Version is an update to the PC version that lets the player alter Noctis's avatar with the character creator familiar from Final Fantasy XV: Comrades.

Doing this shows other players' avatars on the field as a "ghost". The activity of finding official treasures has been added. They are limited-time treasures that all users connected to the internet can acquire. Players can now share photos taken with other players via the internet and shared photos will appear in the locations they were shot as User Photos. Shared photos can be rated and liked and rewards are given based on the number of Likes received. The player can share up to 10 pictures at a time and going over the limit swaps the oldest photos for the new ones.

What loot User Treasures yield depends on how long it had been left out before it was picked up. Players can place up to one treasure box a day. Released September 24th, , patch 1. The reward for the quest is Sarah's Shortsword. Info menu is added to the title screen to view patch notes in-game. The Russian voice pack is added as a free download.

Also included in Comrades are new weapons, cosmetic items, and the introduction of Secret Missions and Bonus Quests. It adds compatibility with Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ardyn , adds three tracks from it to the music player in the main game, and adds seven trophies for Episode Ardyn. The Master Assassin's Robe for Noctis from the Assassin's Festival is also added as a permanent costume for those who missed the limited time event.

Released June 24th, , patch 1. For Comrades , Cross-Play functionality between Steam and Origin users is removed, the Solheim and Eos servers are merged into the Accordo server, and online functionality for Origin is removed offline functionality remains. Final Fantasy Wiki Explore. Old Sharlayan Thavnair Garlemald The moon. Characters Jobs Races.

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