All of the weapons here are fully textured with HD images and represent the Valyrian Steel weapons of the series in the most perfect way possible. However, as the creator of the mod states, the weapons were designed to be balanced and vanilla-friendly. In any case, the Arakh blade comes with quality textures that look incredible. And even though the weapon looks a bit too bright for my liking, it does fit the theme of the game almost flawlessly.
These cloaks were actually added to the game with the intention to resemble the ones you see in the HBO show. And they came with the intention to make them as lore-friendly as possible to the world of Skyrim.
I mean, it would be better if you had an actual use for capes in Skyrim. But aesthetics are still something, right? It adds new objects to the game, all of which you can expect to find in Westeros itself. The mod also distributes them across all the characters of Skyrim, which makes random encounters much more interesting. And it gives you a chance to replay the game and see many of your favorite characters wearing GoT equipment.
But it will give you that extra element of immersion that could complement the rest of the mods on this list, ultimately turning your game into the closest thing to GoT that you can hope to have. You can now have her accompany you in your adventures across the land, instead of having her marry that crap that we know as Ramsay Bolton. Have you ever wanted to dress like a hero too? Thanks in advance. Dress like a true warrior Targaryen with this texture replacement of the Nightingale Prime Armor set.
It does seem pretty similar to the Nightingale Armor that the game comes with, but the retexture is good enough to merit a place on my list. Besides, the Nightingale armor itself is already pretty cool. Stannis himself broods on Dragonstone, marshalling his support and demanding his younger brother yield the throne to him. With the Starks making common cause with Dragonstone, the Lannisters marshalling behind Joffrey in the West and the ever-opportunistic Ironborn raiding along the Stony Shore, Renly's position on the Iron Throne seems increasingly precarious.
Even now, his once-staunch allies House Tyrell begin to look towards a potential alliance with Casterly Rock, should things go ill in King's Landing. The realm is splintered. And now the dragons have returned The cities and castles have been changed into their Westerosi counterparts, all relative to Winterfell formerly Windhelm.
Entirely new locations have also been added; visit the Wall towering over Castle Black, or journey to the isolated island of Dragonstone, where the night is dark and full of terrors. Scores of new armours and outfits have been added to the game, many of them unique sets worn only by certain characters. The sigils of Westerosi houses great and small adorn these new armours, from the direwolf of House Stark to the red stallion of House Bracken and the cunning fox of House Florent.
See below for a full list of Houses represented in the mod. From Arya Stark, to Tyrion Lannister, to Daenerys Stormborn, there are scores of companions for you to choose to take with your in your adventures across Westeros.
See below for a full list of companions in the mod and where to find them. Though not voice-acted, all dialogue text in the vanilla game has been converted to a Westeros context. Changes in the story have also been given a Game of Thrones flavour; e.
Ser Barristan the Bold will speak of his history in the Kingsguard, Davos Seaworth declares why he owes Stannis Baratheon everything, and so on. Well now they're reports written by none other than Varys, the Master of Whisperers. Which of Robert's brothers will you help? Where do the Tyrells sit in all this? What will you do when you finally meet the loathsome King Joffrey?