Star wars mercy mission short story free download

To view it, click here. It was a fine story that introduces us to Hera. Hoping some of the characters will be in A New Dawn wither her. Sep 27, Mayumi rated it really liked it Shelves: star-wars , lido-em Fico bem feliz. Aug 22, Nick Scott rated it it was ok. There are a lot of characters in this short story, and they come at you very fast, so I was a little lost for a bit as it took me awhile to get everyone straight. Enjoyable, but nothing special. Jan 14, Ahdom rated it liked it Shelves: star-wars-canon.

This short story did not blow me away, but it was one that I had not read yet. I love the ties to Rebels and that Hera was a major character, but I felt the story was just not exciting enough to keep my interest. I think largely, this one is an easy one to skip.

But only if that information is earned. And it is most certainly not in Mercy Mission. Maybe Hera talks about her time with these characters but it just felt completely random. Like we are picking up in the middle of a television series with characters on a mission. And now point B— up! If we are going to learn about Hera before A New Dawn, we deserve more than a quick mission with random characters and seemingly zero stakes.

Mar 19, Rachel rated it really liked it. Learning more about her backstory what little but we did get here was cool, but it left me wanting more. Jun 21, Gretchen Fatouros rated it really liked it. Just a short story about a mercy mission to Ryloth.

Could have been a Clone Wars story expect happens after the CW. Apr 26, Sheldon rated it liked it Shelves: star-wars. Short and sweet, nice to see Hera in action before she was part of the Rebels team we all know. Jun 16, A Meneses rated it liked it Shelves: , in-english.

Jul 25, Wendy rated it it was amazing. This was a good story. I enjoyed meeting these new characters in the SW universe. Nov 05, Bram Christiaens rated it liked it.

An Ok short story about Hera, nothing more nothing less. But I'd rather have seen this in an apisode of Rebels. May 04, Autumn rated it did not like it Shelves: one-star-wonders , read-in , read-in-college , fantasy , star-wars. Mar 18, Aisha rated it really liked it. A quick, interesting read. Sep 25, Colin rated it really liked it.

A nice slice of pre-Rebels Hera that doesn't stint on the realities of spaceflight and rebellion. Jul 15, Tia Seitz rated it really liked it. Read this in a little under an hour. Short read. Im Not sure what it adds to the star wars timeline yet but it was well written.

Feb 06, StarWarsReader rated it it was ok. For me it would have fallen completely into the "you-know-what's-going-to-happen-just-wait-it-out" category whi "Years before she led the crew of the Ghost, Hera Syndulla was a young pilot looking to make a difference in the galaxy.

For me it would have fallen completely into the "you-know-what's-going-to-happen-just-wait-it-out" category which, unfortunately, is what often makes many of my non Star Wars reader friends wonder why I ever bother reading any of the books in the first place.

There was one saving grace though, in the appearance of a much more together Moff Mors who was the absolute best of Lords of the Sith for me. Captain Rheden is also injured.

After some deliberation, the rebels decide to continue their supply mission and to stop the ship somewhere for repairs. Approaching Lessu, Hera lands the Eclipse in an abandoned commercial landing zone to the city situated beyond the viewing range of the Imperial monitoring stations. There, the rebels deliver their supplies and complete their repairs. After learning that the unidentified freighter has landed on the outer surface of the city, Moff Mors orders Imperial starfighters to intercept the ship.

However, the Eclipse succeeds in delivering its supplies and manages to flee into hyperspace. In response, Moff Mors orders a full lockdown of the city and places a bounty on the freighter, the cargo, and its eventual recipients. Having completed their mission, Hera sets the Eclipse on course for Manda.

Hera and the mixed Twi'lek and Nikto crew reflect on the solidarity between the two subject peoples. Goll also compliments Hera for her leadership skills. Both novels take place five years after the founding of the Empire, in 14 BBY. However, in the story itself, Moff Delian Mors reminisces about the Emperor's visit the year before, which was shown in Lords of the Sith. This comment suggests that contrary to the press release, the short story actually takes place in 13 BBY.

Wookieepedia Explore. Star Wars. Clone Wars Droids Ewoks. The Empire wants to retrieve the stolen data. The little red droid is full of sand. One day, the Jawas inspect him. The droid is pleased at the prospect of having a new master. The desert appears to be barren but the force is active. Obi-Wan calls the name of his old master, Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan is old now and pretends to be a poor hermit. Her mother had discouraged her from working for the Empire.

One day, she makes an important discovery. The Imperial cruiser Defiance is on route to Ryloth to deal with an insurgency. They are running battle drills, overseen by Commandant Baylo and observed by Darth Vader. Hera Syndulla and Goll go on a mission to help the citizens of her homeworld, Ryloth. She is bringing them a root that can treat the fever that is ravaging the planet.

The Empire is exploiting the situation, requiring registration before treatment is given. This exposes the false identities of dissidents.


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