Furthermore, the questionnaires are the most helpful tool to gather information and data because it is a systematic and organized way to elicit information and data. In addition, it makes the process of evaluation easier and accomplishes the task more effectively. Moreover, the statements were given to students who were chosen randomly from 41 basic schools in the North of Iraq.
Then, a language expert analyzed it and minor points that could lead to misunderstandings were corrected. As a next step, it was back-translated into English and controlled by a native speaker of English. Furthermore, the statements dealt with five sections, which are the layout and design, activities, skills, language type, subject and content and conclusion.
Then, a language expert analyzed it to correct the minor points so that the participants could respond to each item properly. Teachers' questionnaires used in the current study were selected and adapted from the checklists by Litz , Cunningsworth , Sheldon Matthews , Breen, Candlin, Williams and R. Williams Despite the piloting, some of the items have been clarified based on the comments by the students and teachers, but the items were not modified.
Therefore, we can assume that the questionnaires that we used for the current study are highly reliable. Interviews In this study, for the qualitative part of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 EFL teachers amongst the 40 teachers participants as a better way of gathering the necessary data.
Cannell and Kahn claim that the research interview: A two-person conversation initiated by the interviewer for the specific purpose of obtaining research relevant information, and focused on him on content which specified by research objectives of systematic description, prediction or explanation. Gray identifies three major reasons to use interviews as the most basic instrument to gather information and data, the reasons are: 1. There is a need to attain highly personalized data.
There are opportunities required for probing. A good return rate is important. It is also significant to mention that a deductive content analysis is studied in a context when the researcher wants to re-examine the present data gathered Catanzaro, Moreover, Gulati , p.
It is highly significant for the researcher to use deductive content analysis to elucidate the responses in the interview section so as to be able to obtain and find the results objectively and systematically Holsti, The two groups have different views towards the organization of the textbook.
Teachers believe that the textbook is not conveniently organized. On the other hand, the students have negative attitudes in relation to the activities in the textbook. They claim that the activities do not cover enough practicing skills and discussion fields. The students also state that the activities do not bring about constructing, independent and original answers. In terms of the clarification of the grammar points and vocabulary items, both groups concluded different ideas. Teachers believe that through playing games, songs, and narrating stories, the grammar points, and vocabulary items have been clarified.
Nevertheless, the students have stated negative opinions and they claim that the grammar points and vocabulary items have not been explained through games, songs and storytelling. Teachers claim that the materials of the textbook focus more on the skills that teachers and students need to improve and practice. On the other hand, students state that the materials of the book do not focus more on the skills that students and teachers like to work upon. Teachers demonstrate that there is not a right balance amongst the four language skills in the textbook listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The two groups have a different point of view in relation to the sounds and natural pronunciation. They explain that the textbook does not work on a specific language that teachers and students want to use.
They also indicate that the subjects, grammar points, and vocabulary items are not well organized in the textbook. Nonetheless, the students find positive attitudes towards the language of the textbook. They believe that it is the common English language that is used in the textbook and the language used in the textbook suits the actual level of their English.
The students also state that the textbook has worked on a specific language that the students like to further their knowledge in. The students also claim that the subjects, grammar points, and vocabulary items are convincingly clear.
The two groups have similar opinions that the grammar topics are clearly and with examples further clarified. The two groups have supported the multitudinous topics in the subject and content of the textbook.
Teachers state that they would choose that textbook again to teach. Nonetheless, the students claim that they would not choose this textbook again to use and study. Discussion The findings of the current study have been rigorously achieved from two different opinions of teachers and students.
The findings indicated multitudinous views from both respondents about the textbook in question. The different results have been found by Hassan and Ghafor In their study which has been conducted in the North of Iraq, they found that the layout and design of the textbook are clear.
Additionally, the teacher and student participants both have negative opinions in relation to the textbook organization. They stated that the textbook is not organized conveniently and effectively. It can effortlessly be noticed that in the interview findings similar opinions can be found by the majority of the teacher participants. In terms of the activities in the textbook, teachers and students have different views.
The current study demonstrated that the teacher participants have positive ideas and they think that the activities encompass enough time for discussion and meaningful practice. The students, on the other hand, have negative attitudes and they believe that the activities do not cover enough practicing skills and discussion fields. The language skill is another section that the present study has gathered data about it.
Teachers and students have different opinions. The teacher participants think that there is not a right balance amongst the four language skills in the textbook speaking, listening, reading and writing. Surprisingly, the different results have been found by Al-Akraa Quite the contrary, the students think that there is a right balance amongst the four language skills in the textbook. In the interview findings, similar responses have been given by the majority of the teachers.
They claim that the four language skills in the textbook are not at a right level. Some of the language skills are studied more than the others. The same results have been found by Akef Nevertheless, the students have opposite opinions.
In the interviews, similar findings can be seen by the majority of the teachers. The majority of the interviewees claimed that the subject and the content of the textbook are not at a right level of the students. The language of the textbook, the grammar points, the layout and design, vocabulary items and the natural sounds and pronunciations can be seen as the most common shortcomings of SUNRISE 9 by the teacher participants.
However, the activities in the textbook can be seen as the strengths section of the textbook by the teacher participants. It is necessary to show that the students appeared to have problems with regard to some of the items of the questionnaire because they do not have enough knowledge and information about the English language textbooks.
They do not have experience with similar and different types of ELT textbooks. About the author: Burhan Omar Mahmud was born in Sulaimanyah in References Akef, H. University of Baghdad. Allwright, R. The book has been awarded with , and many others. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator. We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in Sunset may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them.
DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url. If you see a Google Drive link instead of source url, means that the file witch you will get after approval is just a summary of original book or the file has been already removed. Sunrise city is a turn-based battle game mixing investigation and dating.
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Then you need to show your passport and boarding pass at Passport Control. I see. And what do I do after that? After that, you go through Security. And then you go on to the Departure Lounge. And then I suppose I just wait for the flight.
And what happens at the other end? Well, before that, you need to fill in a landing card during the flight. And what do I do after I land? You show your passport and hand in the landing card at Immigration. The immigration officers are there to check everyone who comes into the country. Right, and what do I have to do after that? And then I just have to get into central New York. Answers 1 Check in your luggage and get your boarding pass. To revise this function, write the phrase … your ticket with you to the airport on the board.
Ask the class to remind Azad what to do. They should suggest only one word take to complete the instruction on the board. Take your ticket with you to the airport. You have to take your ticket with you to the airport. You need to take your ticket with you to the airport. You should take your ticket with you to the airport. Ask which adverb is used to begin the sequence of instructions first and which adverb is used with the last instruction finally.
First, show your ticket. Thus, both these sets of instructions are correct: First, show your ticket. Following that, show your passport. Next, check in your luggage. Finally, get your boarding pass. After that, show your passport. Then check in your luggage. They take turns to read the instructions from Exercise 4 and add the sequencing adjective to the instructions. Monitor and correct them as they work.
Note that must is only used for very strong instructions and then does not have a comma after it. Sample answer First, you have to check in your luggage and get your boarding pass. Following that, go through Security and go to the Departure Lounge.
Then fill in a landing card during the flight. Next, show your passport and hand in the landing card at Immigration. Finally, pick up your luggage and go through Customs. They can do Activity 1A—C in class and finish them in class or complete them at home for homework, as is convenient. Ask Who is Azad? Azad is a student at the American University in Silemani. Where is he going? He is going to a world youth conference in New York.
Ask Who is Ms Reilly? Ms Reilly is his English teacher. They listen to CD Track 3. Azad Hello? Ms Reilly Hello, Azad! How was your journey? Azad It all went very well, thanks to you. I arrived last night. Ms Reilly Good. What about going over to Central Park later on? Azad Good idea! Ms Reilly Let me contact her and ask.
So why not write down her name and number? Then I suggest you call and arrange a time. Have you got a pen and paper? Azad Right! Azad Er … Could you spell that, please? Ms Reilly S- t-e-double l for Lima-a … Farrant. F for Foxtrot-a-double r-a-n for November-t for Tango. Stella Farrant. Ms Reilly And her mobile number is oh-double-six….
Ask students to complete the sentence e. If they cannot, refer them directly to the box in D1 and get individual students to read out the various ways of making suggestions. If student can suggest ways of making suggestions, compare their idea with the those given in the box in D1.
Contrast it with the form of the verb after what about add —ing to the verb. This gives an example of the target language. They take turns. Each one plays the visitor to Kurdistan and then the person who is suggesting people to meet there. Get students to suggest a few ideas for things to do at the weekend. They begin Activities 2—5 in class and finish them in class or complete them at home for homework, as is convenient.
B: Good. A: What about going to a basketball match? One student uses the different ways of making suggestions to suggest things to do at the week. The second student agrees or disagrees with the suggestion. If necessary, read the notes with the class and answer any questions. One person is an American who is going to visit Kurdistan. The second person suggests people who the visitor could meet in Kurdistan.
If necessary, have one or two individual students read it to the class. Comparatives and superlative Past simple and perfect tenses present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, past perfect. Some things students might know are: New York is in America. New York is a big city. New York is a port. The Statue of Liberty is in New York. Manhattan is a famous area in the city of New York. A READ Aim: to identify the genre of the text and to practise reading for detailed specific information.
Encourage students to speculate what kind of information they would find under each title or sub-heading. Do not worry at this stage if they cannot guess all that much. Ask students to say which of the headings the information comes from.
Ask individual students to read the different sort of books this text may come from. Check they understand the meaning of each kind of book. Again, at this point, do not ask students to answer task A1. I think this text is from an encyclopedia because it has a lot of information in it. The numbers 1—6 appear on the map. Number 1 JFK Airport has an airplane symbol as a clue. Students read the text again and work out from the information in the text, the names of the places referred to on the map with the numbers 1—6.
To help students complete the task, tell them to focus on the paragraphs with the headings Introduction and Seeing the city. Give them enough time. If students find the task very difficult, help them by writing the correct places in random order on the board, e. This will help to simplify the task. Students read the text again and find out what information is given about the dates and number listed in A3.
Students read the paragraph headed Introduction. Ask individual students to read them out. If necessary, discuss the explanations with them. Students are to use comparative and superlative forms to talk about their nearest town. A: This town is growing faster than name of neighbouring town.
B: The population here is less than name of neighbouring town. They should include other ideas of their own in addition to the prompts given in B2.
Write the examples below on the board: China is not as rich as America is. Other Asian countries are growing as quickly as China. A: This town is as big as name of neighbouring town. B: The population here is not as big as the population of Erbil. They begin Activities 1—3 in class and finish them in class or complete them at home for homework, as is convenient. Then elicit information from the whole class. Ask What place is the person talking about? Check that students understand the three options.
If not, get other students to explain the meaning. Get students to explain why they chose a particular option. Show how these can be combined with which to form sentence with a relative clause: In the north is Kurdistan, which is an area of high mountains. These words are the verbs and examples of the key time phrases which are linked to use of the tenses.
Ask individual students to read the sentences. Answers: past simple, past simple, present perfect, present perfect, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect. In pairs they scan the text and find and underline the sample sentences from D1. There is a lot of information about the four tenses and it would be a good idea to set this as homework. Students are to use past simple and perfect tenses forms to make statements about their nearest town.
A: Fifty years ago, this town was not very big. B: In the old days, most of the people there worked on farms. C: Our town has changed a lot recently. A 19th-century immigrant — the statement describes people coming to America to look for a better life. They should include other ideas of their own in addition to the prompts given in D2. Students are to use the present perfect and past simple to talk about places they have been to and when they went there.
A: Have you ever been to America? A: Have you ever been to Silemani? A: So when did you last go there? They should include other ideas of their own in addition to the prompts. They begin Activity 4A—C and finish it in class or complete the activity at home for homework, as is convenient. Ensure that students know what it means. Elicit suggestions from the class such as name, age, date of birth, address etc.
Note these suggestions on the board. Make sure none of the questions is too personal! Double is used to say two of the same letters or two of the same numbers in a word or a phone number. Draw their attention to the use of treble when three numbers the same are given. Students listen and complete the notes in their exercise books with correct details from the listening text. This is Azad Qadir. I heard all about you earlier from Kate.
Yes, at the American University. And are you in your third year? Year three. If we can meet during the day, one day this week, I can show you round. I have to give my presentation at 2 p.
But I have some time later in the week. What about getting together on Wednesday or Thursday? Can I call you back when I know more? Kate told me you were staying at a place called the Big Apple Hotel. Is that right? Hostels are a lot less expensive than your crazy New York hotel prices! And where is it exactly? Very near Times Square. One-one-nine West forty-fifth. Thank you very much! But there is one more thing. So can you give me a contact number? Yes, of course.
Let me read that back to you. Ask students to read them and decide how many syllables are in each word. Elicit that photo contains two syllables and December contains three syllables.
Give examples of other words with two or more syllables if necessary. Demonstrate this with photo the main stress is on the first syllable and December the main stress is on the second syllable. Give other examples, if necessary. Play CD Track 5 Part 1 while students carry out the task.
Check answers. Remind students about the idea of syllables — that words can be divided into groups of sounds. Tell them that they should listen and write each word in the correct column in the table in their exercise book the correct column is according to the position of the main stress in each word: in the first, second or third syllable.
Part 2 afternoon discussion earlier expensive international organizers presentation suggestion together university visiting Wednesday. Ms Reilly wants Stella to meet Azad. Ms Reilly wants Stella to help Azad. What is the name of the visitor? Can he speak good English?
Why is he coming to New York? Where is he staying? How long is he staying for? Ms Reilly when they talked to each other. After they finish, ask one or two pairs to read it out again to the class. Tell students to include natural stress and intonation in the conversation. Note: Remind students to bring their Activity Books to their next English lesson. D WRITE Aim: to prepare the students to present personal information in the context of an introduction to a speaker in a conference.
Add missing information about Azad to the notes on the board. If necessary, demonstrate the task by filling in one or two parts of the form with the class. Set Activity 1 for students to do as homework at home. Student should do Activity 2A in class. For example, conference organizers make a timetable of presentations, show people to the correct room and introduce speakers to the people who are listening to a talk or presentation.
Explain that the incomplete paragraph is to help the conference organizer introduce Azad to listeners before his presentation. Ask individual students to read out the paragraph. It gives students extra information about international and youth conferences — the kind of conference referred to in the texts about Azad. In pairs they take turns to role play the part of the conference organizer introducing Azad before his presentation.
Hostels are small hotels which are popular with young people and budget travellers. They are usually located in areas or cities that attract lots of tourists. Hostels provide basic rooms at a cost which is much lower than business or luxury hotels. Hostels advertise on travel and tourist websites and in the advertising sections of magazines and newspapers for young people. To reduce the price of advertisement, advertisements for hostels often contain abbreviations of words and short phrases, rather than complete words and full sentences.
Roads which run north to south are called avenues which are abbreviated with the letters Av or Ave and roads which go from east to west are called streets and are abbreviated with the letters St. The main avenues are numbered from one to eleven. The first main avenue, First Avenue, is on the east side of Manhattan.
It runs north to south, parallel to the East River. Avenue 5th Avenue. All streets to the east of Fifth Avenue are called East number Street e. East 28th Street. Streets to the west of Fifth Avenue are called West number Street e. West 56th Street. West and East Streets are referred to by the abbreviations E and W. Note their suggestions on the board but do not correct or confirm them at this point.
Elicit the answer Building the New Kurdistan and write the answer on the board. Their suggestion must relate to Kurdistan.
Some ideas to prompt your students with: School life in Kurdistan, The dreams of young people in Kurdistan, How I can help my country, My town and its future, Changes in Kurdistan etc. Accept all reasonable suggestions and write the best ones on the board. They do Activity 3A1 and 3A2. They begin Activities 3A1—2 and finish them in class or complete them at home for homework, as is convenient. Tell them to scan the advertisements.
Ask What is a hostel? Answer: 19 West rd Street How much is a private room in the Gershwin? Answer: A five-minute walk Which hostel has the cheapest rooms? They begin Activity 3A3 and finish it in class or complete it at home for homework, as is convenient. Collect and correct the paragraphs. You may want students to do this activity as homework. It also gives the students useful tips to improve their learning.
This material is not strictly for classroom use but you can take advantage of it during the unit or as a separate revision of the main part of the lesson. You can ask students to do Activities 1—3 in class as consolidation. Again, you can simply set them as homework at the end of the class. There are suggested activities to help students start using some of the techniques.
Important note: Every student has different strategies to learn a language. These are recommended techniques but students have to find their own best way of learning. Use these ideas to help them find their favoured methods.
These ideas are not for assessment. Students listen to CD Track 6 and match the four documents 1—4 which are mentioned to the four dialogues A—D. In pairs students decide which of the ways is the best. Model and practise the pronunciation. Elicit or supply the meanings of the words. Tell them to study the documents for one minute and then close their books.
Elicit any types of information that the students can remember on the documents. If helpful, explain what a high school is by comparing it to the nearest Kurdish equivalent. Do we have double geography on Monday? Dialogue B Ako How long have we got for our project? Lyn According to my calendar, we have from November the fifth till November the thirtieth. Lyn Right. Ako So that means we need to hand in our project before lunch.
Lyn And that means we need to finish off everything on Thursday in the evening. Students read the texts and try to guess some of the missing words. Tell them to use the words from the documents to carry out A2 and complete the missing words from B—D. Point out that some of the information in the documents in A1 is repeated in two or more of the documents. Free Teacher Support. Connect with us. Follow us.