Our small, regular choices and actions may seem significant, but the impact they have over time is always significant. Like in the example of Brad, he started having an extra glass of beer every week which resulted in his gain of weight over time.
While Scott kept on doing positive small changes in his routine and gained promotion with raise and healthy and happy family life. Though he might not have got the results in a week or a month over a period of time his good habits paid him off. As we learned in the above paragraph, if we implement positive small changes today we will gain from them in the near future.
Luck is the combination of the 4 ingredients like Preparation, Attitude, Opportunity, and Action. When you notice and recognize the positives, you respond differently. This makes you trigger more positives responses. For example, brushing your teeth every morning, which we never forget and we know its importance at any age.
Or, shall we say, compounded. Use the Gratitude Assessment sheet on page to bolster your abundant mindset, or download at www.
Owning Percent We are all self-made men and women, but only the successful take credit for it. I was eighteen when I was introduced to the idea of personal responsibility at a seminar, and the concept completely transformed my life. Of course I had all the answers. Otherwise, a relationship left to chance will always be vulnerable to disaster. But I quickly understood how this concept could transform every area of my life.
If I always took percent responsibility for everything I experienced—completely owning all of my choices and all the ways I responded to whatever happened to me—I held the power. Everything was up to me. I know you think you take responsibility for your life. You arrived late because the printer was busy? Co-worker messed up the presentation?
Not getting along with your unreasonable teen? There are a countless fantastic books and classes to help you learn how to deal. This empowering mindset revolutionized my life. If it was to be, it was up to me. I was free to ly. I had the unlimited power to control my destiny.
The difference between becoming fabulously rich, happy, and healthy, or broke, depressed, and unhealthy, is the choices you make throughout life. Nothing else will make the difference. If you are on the right side of the dirt, have your health, and a little food in your cupboard, you are incredibly lucky. If you live in a free society, you are lucky. I have not been any more lucky or unlucky than anyone else.
The difference is when luck came my way, I took advantage of it. Action: This is where you come in. This is what separates the Richard Bransons from the Joseph Wallingtons. Joseph who? So no more whining about the cards you were dealt, the great defeats you suffered, or any other circumstances.
Luck is an equal- opportunity distributor. I invested a considerable sum of money into the deal and worked tirelessly on it for nearly two years before inding out that my partner had mismanaged and squandered all the cash. The bottom line was the loss was my fault. I had agreed to be his partner without doing enough due diligence on his background and personal character.
I could justify it by saying I trusted him, but the truth was I was guilty of being lazy by not watching the inances more diligently. Because I chose to not be completely responsible for the business, in the end, I was responsible for the results. When I learned of the wrongdoings, I chose not to lose any more time ighting it.
Instead, I licked my wounds, learned my lesson, and moved on. I now challenge you to do the same. No matter what has happened to you, take complete responsibility for it—good or bad, victory or defeat. Own it. From this day forward, choose to be percent responsible for your life. Eliminate all of your excuses. Embrace the fact that you are freed by your choices, as long as you assume personal responsibility for them. This strategy helps me take control of the choices I make throughout the day, causing everything else to fall into place, and leading to behaviors and actions that shepherd my habits into line like dutiful, loyal minions.
Do you want more money in the bank? A trimmer waistline? The strength to compete in an Iron Man event? A better relationship with your spouse or kids? Picture where you are in that area, right now. Now picture where you want to be: richer, thinner, happier, you name it. The irst step toward change is awareness. If you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, you have to start by becoming aware of the choices that lead you away from your desired destination.
Become very conscious of every choice you make today so you can begin to make smarter choices moving forward. To help you become aware of your choices, I want you to track every action that relates to the area of your life you want to improve. Every day. Without fail. No excuses, no exceptions. As if my dad and I will come and make you do a hundred pushups every time you miss. The process forces you to be conscious of your decisions.
So, beware of neglecting the simple things that make the big things in your life possible. The biggest difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people are not.
Remember that; it will come in handy many times throughout life when faced with a dificult, tedious, or tough choice. Back in my early twenties, when I was making a lot of money selling real estate, I met with my accountant. Then my accountant did me a great favor. Stop it. You are now seriously in the hole. Whether it was a thousand dollars for a new suit or ifty cents for air to ill up my tires, it all had to go down on the notepad.
This brought an instantaneous awareness of the many unconscious choices I was making that resulted in money pouring out of my pockets.
Keeping a money log for thirty days straight cemented a new awareness in me, and created a completely new set of choices and disciplines around my spending. When I did consider shelling out for entertainment, I did so only after a long pause. This tracking exercise changed my awareness of how I related to my money.
Tracking is my go-to transformation model for everything that ails me. The results have been no less profound than my money-tracking wake-up call. To get results, you have to take some action.
You may have heard about tracking before. How do I know? Tracking is the way to get it back on track. Do you know how the casinos make so much money in Vegas? Because they track every table, every winner, every hour. Why do Olympic trainers get paid top dollar?
Because they track every workout, every calorie, and every micronutrient for their athletes. All winners are trackers. Right now I want you to track your life with the same intention: to bring your goals within sight. Tracking is a simple exercise. It works because it brings moment-to-moment awareness to the actions you take in the area of your life you want to improve. You cannot manage or improve something until you measure it. Every professional athlete and his or her coach track each performance down to the smallest minutiae.
Pitchers know their stats on every pitch in their repertoire. Golfers have even more metrics on their swings. They pay attention to what they record and make changes accordingly, because they know when their stats improve they win more games and earn more in endorsement deals. Because you are.
Want that idiot-proof system we talked about earlier? This is it. Doing so will revolutionize your life, and ultimately, your lifestyle. Just track one habit for one week. It will be thorough, as in organized.
And relentless, as in constant. What happens after the irst week of tracking? Now, keep going. I can practically guarantee it. Why three weeks? So, ideally, I want you to stick with your choice to track your behaviors for twenty-one days. So do it. Promise yourself to start. What happens in three weeks?
You move from the shock that follows the irst week to the happy surprise of seeing how merely becoming conscious of your actions begins to shape them. How much do you really need to stop for coffee?
See Figure 3. Come again? Yes, I am. Did you know that every dollar you spend today, no matter where you spend it, is costing you nearly ive dollars in only twenty years and ten dollars in thirty years? I used to make the mistake of looking at a price tag and thinking that if an item was listed at ifty dollars, it cost me ifty dollars.
My garage looks like a Costco graveyard. Next time you walk into one of those bargain basement stores, assess things from this future- value standpoint. All from a little notebook and pen. There will be no applause. And yet, eventually, their compounding effect will result in an exceptional payoff.
And yet the results are exceptional. A horse wins by a nose, but gets 10 times the prize money. Is the horse 10 times faster? No, just a little bit better. After hundreds of tournaments played and thousands of strokes tallied, the difference between the No.
In fact, the difference between his average score is only 2. Yet, the Fig. See Figure 4. Let me give you a few more ways tracking small changes can result in huge payoffs. Phil was an entrepreneur and founder of the company.
The company was doing ine, but I detected a lack of engagement, trust, and enthusiasm in the culture of his organization. He basically lived in a bubble with his management team. I asked Phil to track just one change: three times a week, he had to step outside of his ofice and walk around the building. His goal was to seek out at least three people whom he saw doing things right or had heard good things about and give them some personal acknowledgment of his appreciation.
This one small change in his behavior took less than an hour a week, but had massive effects over time. The employees Phil took the time to recognize began to go the extra mile and work harder to earn his greater appreciation.
That simple change over the period of eighteen months did a complete on the company culture. Net proits grew by more than 30 percent during that time, utilizing the same staff and zero additional investment in marketing. All because Phil committed to one small, seemingly insigniicant step done consistently over time.
Money Tree Twelve years ago I had a wonderful assistant, Kathleen. She was tasked to manage the registration table situated at the back of the room during one of my lectures on entrepreneurship and wealth building. The next week she came into my ofice. I taught Kathleen how to track her spending, and she began to carry her notebook. The next month we went up to 3 percent. We canceled her subscription to People magazine it was time to study her own life , and instead of going to Starbucks twice a week, I told Kathleen to buy the Starbucks beans and other fancy ixings and make her own coffee in the ofice she grew to like that even better—me too!
By the end of the year, Kathleen was saving 10 percent of every dollar she earned without noticing a signiicant impact on her lifestyle. She was amazed! That one discipline also had a ripple effect on many other disciplines in her life. She calculated what she spent on mind-numbing entertainment and began investing that money on personal growth instead.
After feeding her mind with several hundred hours of inspirational and instructional content, her creativity started to soar. She brought me several ideas on how we could make and save more money in our organization. She presented me with a plan that she would implement in her spare time, if I promised to reward her with 10 percent of all the money- saving strategies and 15 percent of all the new revenue strategies that proved proitable.
Kathleen eventually started her own independent contract service business that took off. I ran into Kathleen at an airport two years ago. Even though you saved for many more years and invested much more cash, you still ended up with less than a third of the money you could have had. See Figure 5. The key is to start NOW. Every great act, every fantastic adventure, starts with small steps.
The irst step always looks harder than it actually is. But what if twenty-ive years is too long? Not 10 percent or even percent, but 1, percent! Let me outline it for you. Do you think you could do that? Of course, anyone could do that. Your income now doubles each 2.
By Year Ten, you can be performing and earning 1, percent what you are now. Success Is a Half- Marathon Beverly was a salesperson for an educational software company for which I was doing a turnaround.
One day she told me about her friend who was running a half-marathon the upcoming weekend. Now we had a motivating goal. But I proceeded with caution. Work out vigorously for a week or so and then turn your elliptical machine into a clothes-drying rack, ditch the gym, and let your sneakers mold in the corner.
I wanted to try a better way with Beverly. I asked Beverly to drive her car around the block and map out a one-mile loop from her house. Then, I told her to walk the loop three times over a period of two weeks. Instead, I started with something—a small, easy task that required no major stretch. Then I had her walk the loop three times in one week for an additional two weeks.
Each day she made the choice to continue on. As soon as she started feeling breathless, she was to stop and continue walking. I asked her to do this until she could run one-fourth, then one-half, and then three-quarters of that mile. It took three more weeks—nine outings—before she could jog a full mile.
After a total of seven weeks, she was jogging the whole loop. That might seem like a long time for such a short victory, right? After all, half of a marathon is One mile is nothing. The Compound Effect had been set in motion and was starting its miraculous process. I then asked Beverly to increase her distance an eighth of a mile each outing an almost unnoticeable length, maybe only steps further. Within six months, she was running nine miles without any discomfort at all. In nine months, she was running More exciting, though, was what happened in other areas of her life.
Beverly lost her cravings for chocolate a lifelong obsession and heavy, fatty foods. The increased energy she felt from the cardiovascular exercise and better eating choices helped her bring more enthusiasm to her work. Her sales performance doubled during the same period which was great for me! As we saw in the previous chapter, the ripple effects of all this momentum raised her self-esteem which made her more affectionate toward her husband. Their relationship became more passionate than it had been since college.
Today, Beverly runs full marathons! Your life is the product of your moment-to-moment choices. Step by step, day by day, your choices will shape your actions until they become habits, where practice makes them permanent. So is winning. Eliminate sabotaging habits and instill the needed positive habits, and you can take your life in any direction you desire, to the heights of your greatest imagination.
Start journaling all the aspects of that situation that you are grateful for. Keep a record of everything that reinforces and expands your gratitude in that area. Write down three things you have done in the past that have messed things up. Write out three things that happened to you but you responded poorly. Write down three things you can start doing right now to take back responsibility for the outcomes of your life.
The youngster pulled it up easily with his ingers. With little effort, the lad yanked and the tree came up, roots and all. With great effort, throwing all his weight and strength into the task, using sticks and stone he found to pry up the stubborn roots, the boy inally got the tree loose.
Some get so big, with roots so deep, you might hesitate to even try. Ask the horse! And I want you to let yourself off the hook. Psychological studies reveal that 95 percent of everything we feel, think, do, and achieve is a result of a learned habit!
We develop them over time. If you had to consciously think about every step of each ordinary task—making breakfast, driving the kids to school, getting to work, and so on—your life would grind to a halt. You probably brush your teeth twice a day on autopilot. You strap on your seatbelt the minute your butt hits the seat. No second thoughts. Our habits and routines allow us to use minimal conscious energy for everyday tasks. They help keep us sane and enable us to handle most situations reasonably well.
But not many. A daily routine built on good habits is the difference that separates the most successful amongst us from everyone else. But their habits take them in the direction of becoming more informed, more knowledgeable, more competent, better skilled, and better prepared. My dad used Larry Bird as an example to teach me about habits when I was a kid. Yet, despite his limited natural athletic ability, he led the Boston Celtics to three world championships and remains one of the best players of all time.
How did he do it? Bird was one of the most consistent free-throw shooters in the history of the NBA. Growing up, his habit was to practice ive hundred free-throw shots every morning before school.
Like Larry Bird, you can condition your automatic and unconscious responses to be those of a developed champion. This chapter is about choosing to make up for what you lack in innate ability with discipline, hard work, and good habits. With enough practice and repetition, any behavior, good or bad, becomes automatic over time. That means that even though we developed most of our habits unconsciously by modeling our parents, responding to environmental or cultural associations, or creating coping mechanisms , we can consciously decide to change them.
We realize that logging three hours a night watching Dancing with the Stars and NCIS leaves us with three fewer hours to read a good book or listen to a terriic audio. So why are we so irrationally enslaved by so many bad habits? If you took a bite of a Big Mac and immediately fell to the ground clutching your chest from a heart attack, you might not go back for that second bite. If you failed to make that tenth call today and were immediately ired and bankrupted, suddenly picking up the phone would be a no-brainer.
The slightest adjustments to your daily routines can dramatically alter the outcomes in your life. Supersmall, seemingly inconsequential adjustments can and will revolutionize everything. The best illustration I can give you to emphasize the power of small adjustments is that of a plane traveling from Los Angeles to New York City.
Such is the case for your habits. See Figure 6. Most people drift through life without devoting much conscious energy to iguring out speciically what they want and what they need to do to take themselves there. Finding Your Mojo—Your Why-Power Assuming willpower is what you need to change your habits is akin to trying to keep a hungry grizzly bear out of your picnic basket by covering the it with a napkin.
To ight the bear of your bad habits, you need something stronger. I disagree. You thought you were going to lose all that weight last time. Forget about willpower. Your choices are only meaningful when you connect them to your desires and dreams. The wisest and most motivating choices are the ones aligned with that which you identify as your purpose, your core self, and your highest values.
So, what is your why? And to make you want to make the necessary changes, your why must be something that is fantastically motivating—to you. So, what is it that moves you the most? Identifying your why is critical. You MUST know your why. All of the hows will be meaningless until your whys are powerful enough. That same twenty dollars for walking the thirty-foot plank no longer looks desirable or even possible, does it?
Jim Stiles. The Univ. This allows for new transitions which can be observed as new spectral lines in the atomic spectrum. In this experiment we will study. Zeeman effect in neon and Study on the Bauschinger effect with increasing of The Bauschinger effect in compression-tension of sheet metals The Bauschinger effect BE is the phenomenon in which, after plastic prestraining, a material exhibits a reduced yield strength on reverse loading in comparison Bauschinger Effect Response of Automotive Sheet Steels - jstor In a study of the Bauschinger effect, data were collected from three sources in the published literature.
Bauschinger effect in thin metal films - Projects at Harvard Keywords: Bauschinger effect; Thin films; Compression test; Plastic deformation; Dislocations.
Strain hardening and its relation to Bauschinger effects in oriented Influence of strain hardening, strain aging and the Bauschinger The effect of stroboscopic effect on human health Effect of hippo therapy function in children with Effect of hippo A study on the comparative effect of se comparative effect of Slenderness Effect Column unsupported length r. The Compound Effect The short but revealing book, The Compound E ect, examines the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices.
The Medici Effect Medici Effect. Emerson Effect and the Emerson Effect. Cause and Effect Analysis the categories of their causes. Photoelectric Effect The photo cell is used to demonstrate the photoelectric effect.
The billionaire effect companies and a survey of UBS advisors' views on their billionaire clients' current activities. The Photoelectric effect This effect was named the photoelectric effect, and the emitted electrons called Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature that the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, The Anomeric Effect 9 Nov The Hall Effect The Hall effect describes the behavior of the free carriers in a semiconductor when applying an electric as well as a magnetic field.
The Zeeman-Effect Zeeman Effect. What Is a Media Effect? Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator.
We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Some of the techniques listed in The Compound may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis, users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them. DMCA and Copyright : The book is not hosted on our servers, to remove the file please contact the source url.
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