It provides a minimal, yet powerful and complete desktop environment, while pro-actively protects your IT infrastructure. In addition, we want to mention that the Linux operating system reviewed here is the perfect security solution for small offices, providing you with incident response, penetration testing, computer forensics and intelligence gathering utilities.
With BackBox you will not only get your box back, but you will be able to easily manage large security assessments throughout your entire organization. Learn More. Initially this was meant for copyleft tarballs only but it is also pretty handy to mirror other file dependencies. Marlin is a popular open source firmware for the RepRap family of 3D printers. It is straightforward, reliable, extensible and adaptable, which is why it is used by many respected commercial 3D printer vendors as well as hobbyists.
Marlin builds can be small enough for use on a headless printer with only modest hardware, and features can be enabled as-needed. Chart js offers a great array of simple, clean charts including animated and interactive versions.
Chartjs is an easy way to include beautiful and engaging charts into your website for free. Electron is an open-source framework that uses Node. It is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux and comes with convenient features such as automatic updates, app crash reporting, debugging and profiling and more. It takes care of the hard parts so you can focus on the core of your app. Initially developed for the Atom editor, Electron is now the framework of choice for dozens of Atom A hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
Atom is a text editor that's modern, approachable and full-featured. It's also easily customizable- you can customize it to do anything and be able to use it productively without ever touching a config file.
It is based on Electron formerly known as Atom Shell ,a framework for building cross-platform apps using Chromium and Node. Automated spend management for all companies From payment to reimbursement, Expensya automates every stage of the business spend management process for all companies. Expensya is a Cloud-based multi-platform expense reports management software that makes your life easier and makes you forget about the hard task of managing expenses.
The solution enables professionals to manage expense reports more effectively and addresses the issues of mobility and expense automation. OpenCover Code coverage tool for. NET 2 and above. OpenCover is a free and open source code coverage tool for. It uses the profiler API that is currently only available to. NET Frameworks running on the Windows platform.
These include new kernel, updated tools and some structural changes with a focus on maintaining stability and compatibility with Ubuntu Whats new? Updated Linux kernel 5. What is it? Support us. The authors don't seem to include the latest software, giving it some time to prove itself, thus what you get, really works in a stable way. It's like a double-tried Xubuntu. Plus the 'ethical hacking' stuff, of course. Version: 7 Rating: 9 Date: Votes: 3.
Extremely fast, stable operating system. I enjoyed kali due to the popularity, anything that went wrong with it was easy to address and fix. It feels like Kali is becoming the new Windows 10 install of useless stuff. Looking at you candy crush! Parrot was nice giving me an everyday driver, with all the tools from cryptography, to anonymity.