Download the recommended version of Forge that corresponds to the Minecraft version you are using. Open the Forge installer you just downloaded and follow the instructions to install it.
Run your Forge client once so it generates some files and folders. This will also confirm that your Forge installation worked. If all goes well, you should end up at the Minecraft main menu with no errors or crashes. Everything you need to know about modifying the configuration is documented on this page. Download the recommended installer version of Forge that corresponds to the Minecraft version you are using yes, that's for Windows.
On a windows machine, execute the Forge installer you just downloaded, select "Install server" and choose a temporary target directory , e. Download the version of Biomes O' Plenty which corresponds to your versions of Minecraft and Forge and save the jar file into the mods directory inside your directory. The config file fill be created after you run Minecraft at least once with the mod installed.
The config file is located int the. Things are explained well enough in the config file, so check it out. You can change these to anything you want. After the initial run the mod will create a schematics folder in your. Put your schematic files into that folder and launch Minecraft. Mjw said:. VikeStep said:. Molten New Member. Didz New Member. Jul 29, 5 0 0. If it was enabled by default in the mod pack, it would be easier to choose simply by changing the world type when creating the world which defaults to Vanilla default anyway.
Xeonen New Member. Didz said:. Jul 29, 2 0 0. Methusalem New Member. Bibble New Member. Necr0maNceR New Member. Jul 29, 92 0 0. Do obsidian totems and barrow hill dungeons spawn in Biomes O' Plenty biomes? Do Greatwood trees and Silverwood trees spawn as well?
Necr0maNceR said:. Reactions: apemanzilla.