You will still need to save your processed data locally though. Another free alternative for mostly Windows is SpinWorks. Although the appearance is somewhat dated, it contains some very powerful spin simulation tools. You will also need admin rights to install this on University machines.
A small number of individuals in the Department use it, but these are currently paid for separately. Should this number increase it may become feasible to organise this centrally. A version is also available free via the NMRbox platform. There are now web-based systems available so you can process your NMR data within a web browser.
NMRium is the most fully-featured and is said to have a feature list comparable with MNova, while Splotch Labs is earlier in the development stages. NMR Software. Bruker TopSpin 3. How to Install TopSpin 3. Ensure you have admin rights. Obtain the correct installation files for your needs - e. Open the correct installer for your OS: Windows - "install. Click "Yes" to all the dialogues, and close the "rellet. Accept the default location and select "customise".
Unfortunately, the password cannot be left empty anymore! Accept the default locations for the example data and say yes to configure the firewall automatically.
It takes approximately minutes to install completely. Start TopSpin and choose the option "Install license ticket" and follow the instructions, using the personal license you already requested. Exit and restart TopSpin. The first time you open TopSpin it will prompt you to run "expinstall".
Accept the defaults - it will take minutes to set this up. Linux TopSpin 3. MR parameters such as echo time or subject parameters such as weight or height throughout the conversion process, and aligns the meta-data from Bruker on the DICOM dictionary for unified processing pipelines.
Getting started? Have a look at the installation instructions and basic usage. If you're in a hurry and have Miniconda or Anaconda installed, conda install -c conda-forge dicomifier should get you going. Need to know more about your options and arguments?
The commands reference is for you. Want to find out how it works? The API reference is a good place to start, followed by the source code. Interested in how the vendors store diffusion MRI meta-data? There is a section just for you. The most important of these are available in the integrated Experiment Selector. The parameter sets have been categorized and displayed as a tree. This combines the required flexibility and ease of use.
Only one mouse click is required to prepare an experiment based on the selected parameter set. The spectrometer user can create their own personal selector that matches their own preferences. It allows routine use and is available for to all kinds of NMR experiments. An automatically generated and optimized NUS sparse list defines the sampling pattern leading to the fractional data acquisition. Multi-dimensional decomposition then allows to calculate the missing data points enabling a regular Fourier Transform processing of the complete data set, all done in a fully automatic fashion.
NUS removes a time barrier for high-resolution multidimensional NMR spectroscopy and is especially useful for multi-dimensional experiments in biomolecular NMR, where time savings up to a factor of 4 in 3D experiments or 10 and even more in 4D and 5D experiments can be achieved. With NUS, new protein structure determination experiments now become feasible.
Small molecule applications based on 2D spectra can also benefits from an accelerated acquisition by a factor of 2. Of special interest here are improvements in spectral resolution and quality delivered by NUS without the need to increase the overall acquisition time. This includes also the processing of 2D spectra.
Orekhov and co-workers. NUS in TopSpin 3. Ibraghimov, and M. Billeter, J. NMR, Advanced acquisition tools Topspin includes rich set of tools supporting the setup and design of experiments using shaped pulses. New waveforms may be designed and their behavior visualised.
Topspin processing license is free for academia.