Cement interview pdf download

Justified by Researchers such as Carman [49], Parasuraman et al. Although there are inconsistencies on the available empirical evidence for example, Boulding et al. In Cronin and Taylor [52] as cited by Juan Carlos et al. Taylor and Baker [54] speculated that perceived quality liked with satisfaction has an effect on consumers purchase intention.

Yoo and Donthun [48] also referred to brand loyalty as the tendency to be loyal to a brand and this can be shown by the intention of the consumer to buy the brand as a foremost choice. Odin et al. Behavioral loyalty comprises of repeated purchases of the brand. According to Dekimpe et al. It is easier and cheaper to measure. According to Chaudhuri and Holbrooks [58], attitudinal loyalty can be referred to as the extent of dispositional promises with respect to some particular advantages connected with the brand while behavioral loyalty has to do with the intention torepeat a purchase.

It is presumed that consumers understanding of quality will be associated with their brand loyalty. Kotler also classified loyalty to include switchers, soft-core, hard-core loyal and shifting loyal. So far, we have been able to connect the views of various researchers that address the issue of consumer based-brand equity.

Favorable perceptions of quality are more presumed to be developed by consumers who hold a favorable association toward a brand.

Furthermore, consumers brand awareness is presumed to be high when they have strong association and perceived quality of the brand and vice versa. For example, in a commodity market where product and services are indistinguishable, it will enable customers trust and create a set of beliefs about your product even without knowing the uniqueness of your products and characteristics.

Consumers experience help to increased perceived qualities, inferred attributes and eventually leads to brand loyalty which are not easy to evaluate except before purchase. A strong brand enjoy benefit such as reduced competitive advantage, premium price greater customer loyalty, profitability, reduce the perceived risk of consumers who are not so sure of their decision.

After the major earthquake of April, , reconstruction works and new construction of buildings is significantly increased in the area due to migration of pouplation from major earthqauke affected districts.

No text of specified style in document.. Similarly, the study adopted the survey methods by using the quantitative methods of data collection and statistical analysis. This design was selected because it has the advantage of describing people attitude and perception towards different brands of cement. It also provides meaningful explanations on people perception.

Similarly, for the lab test, standard codes were followed and are compared with the test results. Therefore, the sample size for the data collection of the consumer was taken as For the sample size of supplier, central limit theorem was used and taken as 30 for the data collection. Through snowball sampling method total number of 5 Architects and Engineers were identified for the interview. They were asked individually about the current market status of the cement brand and the purchasing behaviour of the consumers of different cement brands.

Also, the importance of the promotional tools and the advertisement were discussed during the interview. Multiple choice questions and likert five scale point question were prepared separately for both suppliers and consumers.

It helped to analyze the consumer behaviour from two perspective; one from consumer itself and another from the supplier with cross verifciation of the results.

Focus Group Discussion Focus group discussion was done with mason and contractor who were actively involved in the construction of the building of the consumers. It was conducted 4 times with the key topics which were preference of the cement brand, influencing factor to make the choice of that cement, their influence in the consumer and about the way of quality confirmation of the cement.

The data collected were entered, classified, tabulated and interpreted accordingly using relative importance factor, mean score and standard deviation. The table below shows the various tools and techniques that were applied to achieve the different objectives of this research in summary. Objectives Source of Information Interpretation and Analysis 1 To identify the consumer Existing Documents, Reports, Questionnaire Analytical facts and influencing factor in decision Survey coducted in suppliers and consumers, figures, KII and FGD making to select the cement interview with key informants and group brands.

Quality, brand image, years of establishment and availability are found to be the major determinants while external environments such as advertisement, consultant, friends and relatives, marketing strategies are the influencing factors in changing the percepetion and cognitive behaviour of the consumers. Socio-Demographic Characteristics During the questionnaire survey, consumers were asked about their socio-demographic status as it plays the vital role in the behavioural perspective in the purchasing decision of the cement brands.

Table 4. The perception factors play the decisive role in purchasing cement which depends upon their attitudinal behaviour, quality, brand image, packaging and the price of cement.

As outlined in the literature review section 2. During the KII with the Engineers and Architects, it was known that Hetauda and Udayapur Cement are those brands which have very low frequency of advertisement in the commercial media as compared to other brands. But, these are the brands which carry the brand image as a quality product due its years of establishment and being the government owned company, its demand is increasing through the recommendation of consultants and their friend circle.

Also, as discussed in the literature section 2. As discussed in literature section 2. It is also to be noted that the price has no impact in the selection of the brand as Udayapur and Hetauda cement being the expensive brand incomparison with other brands. Per Bag 1 Hetauda The consumers who take the suggestion from the specific medium may not help to take the decision. It is the process of collecting the recommendation of different cement brands while influence by others takes the consumer to the point of decision.

Thus, this study was done to find the medium of suggestion taken by consumer as it has the tendency to get influenced from the same medium from which the consumer takes suggestion. The study shows that Analyzing the age group of the consumers, it was found that 3. As discussed in the literature section 2. It is significant that advertisement has not influencing role in making decision to the consumer but it is rather found as the awareness tool for the manufacturer for its brand recognition.

It was also discussed during FGD, where Contractor believes that the consumers are widely influenced by the prior users and the experts of the similar field. The consumer seeks to confirm the quality from the prior users and the experts.

Thus, the study shows that advices of other people have a strong effect on consumers buying behaviour. Consumers are much focused in the quality and the brand of cement rather than its price as the earthquake being the major lesson and future threat to the consumer. The medium of quality assurance is found to be consultant, friend and relatives. It is significant that the, years of establishment have played an important role to create the brand image in the consumer to make the decision while purchasing cement, as the highest chosen Hetauda cement is the oldest cement factory amongst other cement brands.

Consumer is not committed with the brand as Hetauda cement fails to supply the product with respect to the demand. As a result, consumers make the preference for the second brand in terms of quality, brand image and availability being the major determinants while advertisement and promotional tools being the external driver to aware about the brands.

Since, Shivam cement is doing aggressive advertisement through different media with sales promotional tool in different level from dealer to the end consumer and the availability of cement to meet the demand have resulted to keep in the high preference cement. Quality and brand image are the most imporant determinants to choose the cement brands for the construction of the building of consumer. Thus, the manufacturers should confirm the quality of their brand in the effective way which helps to create the brand image in the market.

Since, Hetauda cement have inconsistent production throughout the year, other cement manufacturer can use this opportunity by availing the product throughout the year which helps to shift the consumer to those brands. Ultimately, upon the satisfaction and availability of the cement, consumer can be committed loyal consumer of that brand in the future as well as influencing medium of their friends and relatives.

Mishra, A. Quality Assessment of Sarbottam Cement of Nepal. International Journal of Operations Management and Services, 9 1 , Cost effectiveness assessment of different nepalese cement brands for selected sites of supermarket.

Assessment of cement handling behaviour for selected construction sites of bhatbhateni supermarket. Engel, J. Blackwell and Paul W. Miniard Consumer behavior, 1. Goffman, E. The moral career of the mental patient. Psychiatry, 22 2 , Eysenck, H. Manual of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire junior and adult. Hodder and Stoughton. Pervin, L. Current controversies and issues in personality. Anderson, P. Marketing, scientific progress, and scientific method.

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Ans: d Maximum distance between expansion joints in structures as per IS : - is a 20 m b 30 m c 45 m d 60 m Ans: c Minimum thickness of load bearing RCC wall should be a 50 mm b mm c mm d mm Ans:b If the storey height is equal to length of RCC wall, the percentage increase in strength is a 0 b 10 c 20 d 30 Ans: b In reinforced concrete footing on soil, the minimum thickness at edge should not be less than a mm b mm c mm d mm Ans:b The slab is designed as one way if the ratio of long span to short span is a less than 1 b between 1 and 1.

Ratio of permissible stress in direct compression and bending compression is a less than 1 b between 1 and 1. A higher modular ratio shows a higher compressive strength of con-crete b lower compressive strength of concrete c higher tensile strength of steel d lower tensile strength of steel Ans:b The main reason for providing number of reinforcing bars at a support in a simply supported beam is to resist in that zone a compressive stress b shear stress c bond stress d tensile stress Ans: c When shear stress exceeds the permissible limit in a slab, then it is reduced by a increasing the depth b providing shear reinforcement c using high strength steel d using thinner bars but more in number Ans: a If the size of panel in a flat slab is 6m x 6m, then as per Indian Standard Code, the widths of column strip and middle strip are a 3.

For a slab supported on its four edges with corners held down and loaded uniformly, the Marcus correction factor to the moments obtained by Grashoff Rankine's theory a is always less than 1 b is always greater than 1 c can be more than 1 d can be less than 1 Ans: a The permissible diagonal tensile stress in reinforced brick work is a about 0. The limits of percentage p of the longitudinal reinforce-ment in a column is given by a 0.

The minimum diameter of longitudinal bars in a column is a 6 mm b 8 mm c 12 mm d 16 mm Ans:c The minimum cover to the ties or spirals should not be less than a 15 mm b 20 mm c 25 mm d 50mm Ans: c The diameter of ties in a column should be a more than or equal to one fourth of diameter of main bar b more than or equal to 5 mm c more than 5 mm but less than one-fourth of diameter of main bar d more than 5 mm and also more than one-fourth of diameter of main bar Ans: d Due to circumferential action of the spiral in a spirally reinforced column a capacity of column is decreased b ductility of column reduces c capacity of column is decreased but ductility of column increases d both the capacity of column and ductility of column increase Ans: d Maximum percentage reinforcement in case of slabs is limited to a 2 b 4 c 6 d 8 Ans: b Which of the following R.

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